Sunday, July 17, 2011

Teaching 2.0 Updates

Like the youtube video we watched on uwoteaching20, I realize that "Kids like learning from other kids."  So, to help this I would really like to create something like a facebook page, where I can monitor it, but the students would have all the interaction between each other about chemistry.  It would be really cool to be able to have my students do something like the teacher did in the first video with his math class.  This would come in especially handy with content like stoichiometry and even sigfigs!  I would also really like to set up a Wiki for my courses.  Here I could put assignments, worksheets, labs, calendar, etc for the students, and then link the facebook page.  I've been exploring Moodle, but it's a little heavy for me.  I do know that my colleagues are setting this up too, so I figure I can help with small things from my end, and also get myself more comfortable with how Moodle works, so it can be beneficial to my students.  Eventually, (down the road after my daughter is born and I can find a little more time...) I would like to set up podcasts (which I could link on my wiki) of my lectures, so if a student missed a day of class they could watch the podcast, get the notes, and then come to me with any other questions. 

On the webtools front, I've now joined edutopia, looked around at classroom 2.0, and joined a hschem listsserv.  I will say this, I am feeling overwhelmed that there are so many sites, and things that I have signed up for like Blogger, Twitter, Edmodo, Edutopia, Moodle, chem listserv, and more...  Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know that these things are out there, but I just don't feel that I have time to keep up with these after this class is over.  I am always, always looking for new labs, trying new demos, and as of Sept I will be a mom of a 2 year old and a newborn.  For me, I feel that the things I will definitely keep up with are the NAHSTOFS, the chem listserv, the moodle (b/c others are really doing the dirty work), the possible chem facebook pg and a wiki if I get the chance to make one.

Oops, this kind of turned into another venting blog....sorry!  :-)  

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