Thursday, August 4, 2011

Final Thoughts and Projects for Learning in a Connected World

Even though I have already posted my final projects "Glog" earlier this week, I thought I would follow up by blogging a few final thoughts about the course and what I learned.  I’m not going to lie, at first I was very overwhelmed with this course, and really felt that I was in over my head.  There was just so much going on with all of the technology, sites, etc.  However, I am now very glad that I have taken it because I learned a great deal! 

There are some things that I don’t know if I will use, for example, I am still not a huge fan of twitter, but like I have already stated in my glog, there are definitely a couple of things that I absolutely will be utilizing in my classroom. 

I really think that I will be making an Edmodo account for my chemistry students.  I am going to try and get this up and running before school starts so that when I am gone on maternity leave at the beginning of the year, the students can still ask me questions about what they are learning while I'm away. 

I am also planning on using the idea that one of my classmates had to use this technology as make up work for missing classes and/or labs when I am not able to set the lab up again.  I will have the students find what the major points from the lab or lesson are, i.e. why did we do the lab, and then have them make a prezi, glog, or something else to show me that they understand the concepts that were learned in class.

The last thing that I am going to do is in my forensic science class.  In my crime scene unit, the students have two huge projects.  The first one I have a crime scene made up for them and they have to walk in make notes, sketch the crime scene, take pics, etc.  They then have to have to put everything together in some sort of report.  Usually, I just have them make a booklet or something like that, but now I am going to let them use any of the vast resources that they can find on the internet to make their report. 

The second project that they do is to make their own crime scene.  I will again let them use any resource that they would like to present their scenes to me.  I’m very excited to see what they will come up with!

Thanks to all my classmates, and Dr. Brunsell J, for all the great ideas!  Good luck to everyone!  J

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a lot of great ideas. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes implementing them. In my experience the first year of trying something new is exciting but sometimes uneasy. The second year is very successful. So if you run into some roadblocks, don't give up, revamp!
